About us

GM GreenMethane (GM) is a new-co founded in 2013 by two Italians enterprises: Marchi Industriale Group ( located in Florence), and Giammarco-Vetrocoke Group (located in Venice). In 2021 Green Methane became part of the Rosetti Marino Group.
Marchi Industriale is active since the end of the nineteenth century in the market of inorganic chemical products where is leader in Italy for the production of Sulphuric Acid and Potassium Sulphate. In 2010 is the set-up of Marchi Energia which activity is focused on the renewable energies.
Giammarco-Vetrocoke (GV) is active since the 1950 as licensor for Carbon Dioxide (CO2) absorption processes from different gas streams with more than 350 units licensed world-wide.
Rosetti Marino is an EPC-I contractor and key-player in the Energy Transistion. The company, that has almost a century of experience, delivers projects for renewables, decarbonization and the circular economy and boasts a long-standing presence in the Oil&Gas offshore plants and shipbuilding markets.
GM has developed a proprietary and proven technology for the upgrading of the Biogas to the Biomethane which core step is the CO2 removal
from the Biogas.
GM take advantage from the specific and synergic background of the partners in the design, construction, operation and maintenance of industrial plants.
GM is qualified to offer:
- Biogas to Biomethane upgrading units on “turnkey” basis;
- After-sales services for a safe and reliable management of the operation, production & maintenance of the upgrading units.
- All of this with the utmost safety for those working, the highest respect for the environment, and the highest quality in construction standards.
GM philosophy is to propose environment-friendly renewable energies with the target of minimizing the dependence on fossil fuels. The pure energy is a benefit for the economy and for the environment as well.
Biomethane leaves to future generations a better environment and preserves the heritage that mother earth has provided us over millions of years.
To enhance all of this, we at GM know only one way, one path: the path of respecting the environment, humanity, and those who work with consciousness and quality.
GM upgrading units are very flexible to treat Biogas produced by different sources (like FORSU, wastewater treatment, agricultural waste and other). Biogas production can come from a variety of sources. The ultimate goal is achieved by working closely with the client.
GM is organized to offer case by case a “full-service ”package spreading from the feasibility study to the design, procurement, construction, commissioning, round the clock monitoring and trouble-shooting of the upgrading units. All the services are developed in close coordination with the clients.
GM is open to evaluate partnership proposals.