He lower OpEx amounts to a lower purchase cost of the plant of more than 1 million euros starting from 500 Nm3/h of biogas.
GM plants for biogas upgrading to biomethane utilise a patented technology applied since more than 60 years in several industrial applications. It offers the best performance compared to the other upgrading technologies currently available.

GM is Eco-Friendly
Typical methane content in the Off-gas is less than 0.1%, with no need of Off-gas post treatment.

GM is efficient
Methane recovered from raw biogas is more than 99.9%.

GM cuts the electrycity cost
Electricity consumption is lower than 0.2 kWh/Nm3 of biogas.

GM cuts maintenance costs
Simple, strong and reliable technology.

No hazardous materials are utilised.
CNR-IIA (Institute for Atmospheric Pollution) in 2017 carried out two sampling and analysis campaigns since 2016 from a waste treatment plant located in Northern Italy. The measurements are according to UNI TR 11537-2016 and EN 16732 standards.
The results show that:

Biomethane produced meets the requirements of UNI TR 11537-2016 and EN 16732 standards

Methane lost with Off-gas is lower than 0.1% of total methane in biogas feed (measured loss = 0.06%)
GM technology ensures:
Higher yield

Lower environmental footprint
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